Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Start of Summer

We ran to the finish line at the end of the school year, and we kept running the first week of summer.

Alyssa has had a great time at camp.
This girl loves camp!

Darren and Matthew went for a visit on Sunday.

Matthew has transitioned back to daycare. 

He loves being back at "old school".
I watched my seniors graduate with tears in my eyes, took a deep breath and then spent 3 days closing up my classroom and planning for next school year.

I love pomp and circumstance!

Jackson scraped gum from the underneath of the desks and proclaimed that he would never chew gum at school.

Then, Jackson and I went to Space Camp.  I have dreamed of Space Camp since I was in 6th grade and it was everything I hoped it would be!  

Happy summer!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

We Made It!

We made it to summer!

We finished up our scouting year.

The kids had their piano recital, with celebratory shake after.

The kids finished up their sports seasons.

The kids had their year end, student led conferences at school where they reviewed their school work with us.

We prepared to send Alyssa to camp.

And the kids posed for their requisite end of year photos.
