Thursday, October 7, 2010

PDA Closure= Success

Thanks be to God!  Matthew's PDA was fixed by his talented heart surgeon today!  

Notes from the discussion w/the doctor:
-Matthew had a large PDA... a big deal.
-He was in heart failure, but this procedure will reverse that.
-Matthew had lots of blood going to his lungs making the blood pressure high in his lungs and dangerous.
-He had 4x the blood going to his lungs as he had going to his body, should be 1x.
-Normal blood pressure for a 7 month old is 80/50, Matthew's was 80/20 before the PDA fix and is 80/50 now after the fix. 
-Matthew's veins are a bit atypical, with bilateral vessels (like there would be in the womb) which caused the dr to have to use a balloon to inflate one of the vessels to get the cath through. 
-Thankfully Matthew's vein healed after the balloon, not requiring a stent. 
-Matthew has a small aortic arch...just something we'll need to keep our eye on w/our regular cardiologist appointments.
-His surgeon is very pleased w/the way the device blocked the PDA and is happy w/the procedure.

-If Matthew recovers well from the anesthesia, we'll be released in about 6 hours and follow up with him in a few months.
-Matthew is cleared for his cranialfacial surgery on November 1.  

Darren and I are both touched by the outpouring of love and support from our family and friends. Thank you for the continued prayers and well-wishes for our sweet baby Matthew!   

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