Friday, April 15, 2011

Nose Repair

Matthew was first up on the schedule this morning for surgery.  The repair of his nose was to take about 10 minutes. He went back to OR on schedule and I was called into the recovery room about 30 minutes later.  Matthew was still asleep when I got back there, so he took a little longer to come out of anesthesia than typical.  Thankfully though about 10 minutes later he was awake and in my arms. 

About an hour later we were told we could go home, but something in my gut said no.  Matthew's breathing sounded labored to me and though the ENT, anesthesiologist and the nurse said it was okay (he would be congested because of his nose), I didn't want to leave and the nurse said we should stay till I felt comfortable.  Within about 10 minutes, Matthew was turning purple and couldn't get air.  The anesthesiologist came back and yep, his airway was swelling shut (not uncommon after intubation).  After a breathing treatment, Matthew seemed more comfortable.  We waited our required 2 hours and headed home. 

When we got home, Matthew's breathing sounded worse again. I called our pediatrician who recommended we go to the ER.  But on the way to the ER, Matthew's breathing sounded better and he drifted off to sleep.  So, I brought him back home and called the pediatrician back.  We were given the okay to wait and see, and will head to the ER if his symptoms return.  We are praying that it just gets better from here!  Our poor, sweet baby Matthew.  Rarely is anything simple for him but he continues on with a smile!

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