Wednesday, September 4, 2013

School, So Far

The kids reply to 'How was the first week of school?':

But the first week of school did hit us like a ton of bricks.  We were anticipating it because we spent the weekend before school started in Los Angeles.  The 2 hour time difference, in addition to staying up to celebrate way too late and arriving back in town at bedtime Sunday night, made for a tough start to the school routine.

Well worth the rough start, in LA,
we celebrated adding Aunt Brandi to the family!
That first morning of school was rough, but that afternoon was much tougher.  At one time, all 3 kids were in time out.  The week continued on, and we struggled to get into a groove.  Good reports were coming from school, but all 3 kids were on edge and emotional at home.  There was a reverse correlation-- the youngest was the most emotional and on edge while the oldest was the least.  Most likely that is related to the amount of adjustment to the new environment-- Matthew's school life is much different than before while Alyssa's is pretty similar and Jackson's is somewhere in between. 

This past weekend of doing nothing seemed to help the start of this week.  Tuesday, we woke up a little easier, we got ready a little faster, and we seem a little less on edge.  Matthew had an issue this morning, but I attribute it to having therapy this morning and falling asleep in the car on the way to school.  I hope the day turned around quickly for him!  For his and his teachers' sake!  I am hopeful we are getting into the groove of our new school routine.

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