Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Month

An email one morning about a month ago led to an interview that afternoon, an awesome offer that evening, and our lives going from fairly calm and quiet to full out nutso-crazy in the blink of an eye. 

Four weeks in-- Darren has adjusted well.  Alyssa, Jackson and even Matthew have adjusted well.  Me? Well, I am not quite there yet.  It has been over a decade since I've had to be dressed to commute for work every day--and I didn't have ANY kids back then.  And if I thought teaching 3 classes was a bit hectic when I taught at the college, 6 is definitely twice that. Though I LOVE being back in the classroom, I'm still finding my groove.  I have faith it will happen and this will feel 'normal'-- hopefully soon.

This is how far underwater I felt last week.

This week, I feel like I can see light at the top. Definite improvement.
But, I'm not quite here yet.

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