Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Growing Up

A few days ago, I sifted through the kids clothes to weed out those items that no longer fit. I've done this twice a year (or more) since Alyssa was born.  This was the first time I got a little sad.  We really no longer have 3 little kids. 

My sadness was short lived when I remembered that after 9 years (NINE YEARS) of changing diapers, we are down to one diaper a night with Matthew.   Fantastic!!

So 3800 for Alyssa, 3800 for Jackson, and twice that (7600) for Matthew.

I also relish in the fact that the kids are so much more independent.  They can get their own breakfast.  They play outside without every second having to be supervised.  They can do for themselves most often.

And we can go to a sit down restaurant again!  I think in the last 9 years, we've been relegated to quick service meals for about 7 of those.  I have missed nicer places!

We went to not one, but two sit down restaurants this past weekend!

In my gig, I've seen bigger kids, with bigger problems.  I'm in no hurry to have these 3 grow up anytime soon but I'm very thankful and happy for where we are at right now. 

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