Thursday, June 12, 2014

Breakfast Taco Challenge

Matthew has been fighting an eye/ear infection.  Jackson spilled his water bottle all over his work-from-home work bag full of activities the first thing Monday morning.  Storms rolled in on Monday morning.  Every morning this week, we've had an 8:00am appointment.  Every day, at least one (if not all 3) of the kids have shed tears.  So, I spent weeks preparing for hopefully a better summer than last, and within the first 30 minutes of summer vacation, I realized that the two most important things I need for a good summer are (1) patience and (2) a 'just-roll-with-it' attitude.  I am sure that the extra preparation has helped, but the start of summer feels a long way from 'smooth'. 

So, I'm trying to just roll with it!  Jackson was in a foul mood on Tuesday morning.  Trying to practice the 'just-roll-with-it' attitude, I created our family's first 'Breakfast Taco Challenge'.  On Monday, we had already had breakfast tacos after our 8:00am appointment, and it went over pretty well.  So, I suggested Tuesday that every day after our 8:00am appointments, we hit other establishments to test out the breakfast tacos.  This was not well thought out, but it was very well received. Yippee! And today, at the conclusion of our challenge, our favorite taco joint won by a 3 to 1 vote!

The fact that we didn't do traditional brackets bugged my beloved engineer, but I promised him later in the summer we'd do a more 'official' challenge (with traditional brackets), maybe not with breakfast tacos, but with something else-- maybe a cookie challenge (thanks for the idea and picture, Cousin Rach!).

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