Thursday, March 7, 2013

Random Bits

-Matthew absconded with my car keys last Thursday, which haven't been seen since.  Today, he hid the point and shoot camera.  I have no idea where he might be hiding these objects and when you ask him where they are, he just shrugs his shoulders, holds out his hands and makes a noise that sounds similar to 'I don't know'.  Hopefully they will both turn up soon!

-Jackson has gotten smiley faces all week on his behavior report from school.  When I praised him for the good report, he said "I just keep my mouth shut".  Not quite sure how I feel about that, but I'm glad he is realizing cause and effect.

-It was a year ago that we bought Jackson a light up Star Wars light saber as enticement for good behavior.  Last weekend, he finally got his light up light saber!  And he got to keep it all of a half a day before it was put in time out for a week for some very questionable choices.  The good news is that if the trend of this week continues, Jackson will get it again tomorrow.  I think I am looking forward to him having it as much as he is!

-I was planning to post a clip of Alyssa's first grade music concert (all of 4 songs long-just long enough) which was on Monday, but the video is on the camera which is hiding out with my car keys in an unknown location.  You'll have to take my word for it that her and her classmates were very cute.

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