Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hoy Highlights

Nothing big, but these are the highlights of this week, so far, with the Hoy children:

This week, Jackson is 'jellyfish of the week', which means that he's the highlighted student in his class and every day he gets to do something cool.  This weekend, he brought home Ms. Jelly and had to journal about their adventures.  So far this week, he took something for show and tell (the only time they do that, and of course he chose a Lego creation), the class listened to his favorite song (Dance Kung Fu by Imagination Movers), and he presented his journal and a poster about himself.  Tomorrow, I'll read one of his favorite books to the class (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) and Friday, he'll present a work of art.  It is a fun week for him and I love the picture his teacher texted me!

Jackson presenting his journal about his weekend with Ms. Jelly
Jackson and Ms. Jelly
Lately, Matthew's really been into books, coinciding with his increased attention span, I'm sure!  I read 2 books to him the other night and he asked me to read them again.  I was shocked he sat to listen to the retelling as well.  It was a highlight of my day!

This is currently Matthew's favorite book.
Since the new year, Alyssa and I have been running together.  We are starting slowly but working up to a 5k this Spring.  She is such a trooper, always up for it and never complaining.  I'm really enjoying it and hope this is something we will continue to do together!

Soon her shoes will be as big as mine!

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