Friday, July 30, 2010

Recovery Update- Evening 7/30

Two steps forward, one step back. Matthew has taken a half ounce of Pedialyte four times this afternoon. That's the good news. The bad news is that after the first "feeding", he spit up and after the fourth "feeding", he vomited ... twice. So not sure where the second step forward was, but it had to have been there. Right?

The current schedule is to have him take a half ounce every hour ... unless he has a setback (spit up, vomit) ... in which case, the following feeding is skipped. So we're skipping the 7pm feeding. His belly is distended a bit, so the nurse has suspended feedings until we hear from the doctors. We hope that this is just a case of too much liquid into his shrunken stomach too quickly after having nothing for 80+ hours.

Oh yeah! The second step forward was that urology released Matthew following his catheter removal this morning.

AND! A third step forward! Plastic surgery came by this evening. We have / had an appointment for next Tuesday. They have asked for new x-rays of Matthew's hands prior to making a decision on whether or not they will be able to perform surgery to move his index finger to an oppositional "thumb".

Continued prayers for Matthew's belly, Matthew's ever-present Mommy, and Matthew's intelligent doctors are welcome and greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Hoy family, may god continue to bless you and your special gift, matthew. You are in my daily thoughts and prayers. Love to you all. K.
