Friday, July 13, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

We had a bit of a rough transition from vacation back to every day life.  Coming home, we found our mailbox was off of its post, a sink in the master bath (that serves as the main drain for our a/c unit) had overflowed, the dog sitter didn't do a great job of wiping paws so the floors were covered in muddy dog prints, and there was dog doodie in the garage.  Yuck!

To top it off, it has been raining off and on since we pulled into the driveway.  We've had upwards of 14 inches of rain in 2 days and it looks like more is on the way. The streets in the area are flooded.  It took Darren an hour to get to work, 7 miles away, having back tracked twice to find an open road to get there.  This is the 'road' just south of our neighborhood, that I usually take to get to the grocery store.  Our house is safe, and hopefully our friends and neighbors are too!

The kids have done pretty well with all the rain.  Maybe they got enough outside time during vacation that they don't mind being cooped up in the house for a few days.  I did pull out the big guns, the cardboard houses for them to color and play in.  I bought one for Aly and one for Jax, thinking that would keep the peace.  I underestimated how much Matthew would want to play in one, and how much the older kids wouldn't want him to bother theirs.  He was as unhappy with being left out as the older kids were happy with the houses.  Lesson learned.

Vacation seems so far away, though we've been back less than 3 days. We miss the sun, the lake, and the family.  Thankfully we took lots of pictures to remind us of our fun!

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