Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New Pediatrician

One of the first questions almost everyone asked when we told them we were moving to Austin-- 'What about Matthew's doctors?'  Heck, it was one of the first questions we considered when God kept tapping us on the shoulder to come to Austin. 

Our initial decision was (and still is) that we will keep Matthew's specialists in Houston, while finding a pediatrician in Austin.  The rationale is that (thankfully) we see specialists on average once or twice a year, on a non-emergency basis, while we see the pediatrician much more frequently and on a much more urgent basis.  As well, Matthew's specialists all know his history, have walked this journey with us, and they know that we aren't exaggerating (and I'm not usually an over-reacting parent). 

We will miss our Houston pediatrician very much and he will always have a place in our hearts. I wept big tears when I said good-bye to his office, but out of necessity, we have found a new pediatrician here in Austin.  This particular practice comes well recommended by parents in our new neighborhood. All the doctors in the practice did their residencies at Texas Children's, and the doctor I interviewed recognized many of the names on Matthew's master list of specialists.  She seemed very interested in Matthew's unique case, so I'm hopeful this will be the right fit.  Though I hope it is, if it isn't for whatever reason, I have a backup recommendation.

As for hospitalizations, if possible, we will likely go to Houston (one of the top children's hospitals in the nation) but do have a local (regional) children's hospital here in Austin for issues that just can't wait the 3 hour drive (like the early, early morning, horrible case of croup).  

So, that's the plan we cooked up that allowed us to make the move to Austin.  Of course, we will revise when/if necessary for the good of Matthew.

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