Sunday, March 9, 2014

Random Thoughts Re: Friday

A few random thoughts about Friday:

1.  How lucky is it that Netflix just added the Star Wars: Clone Wars series on Friday? Jackson loves that show and he's only seen the first season.  Now, he can catch up on seasons 2 through 6 on the couch!

2.  The doctor considered having us stay overnight at the hospital on Friday until we could get a wheelchair on Saturday.  Ironically, I had a wheelchair in the trunk of my car.  It was my grandmother's, and I intended to donate it to the Ronald McDonald House but I just hadn't done so yet.  So, now we'll use it before donating it.  My procrastination paid off in that we got to sleep in our own beds Friday night!

3.  It was such a different experience caring for Jackson in the hospital than caring for Matthew in the hospital.  Jackson was so much easier!  We typically don't watch a lot of tv in our house, so Jackson was totally enthralled by the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. 

4.  One of the post-op nurses told me it was okay to cry before he woke up. I must have looked at her like she grew another head.  I think she understood the look after I explained that a cast (even this monsterous one) is nothing compared to heart surgery or 102 stitches across a 9 month old's head.  I would have been scared and nervous Friday if it had been our first time in an ER or OR waiting room, but unfortunately we are seasoned veterans in those rooms. 

5.  As a seasoned veteran, I feel like I'm a decent judge of doctors now.  I really, really liked our orthopedic surgeon.  She was thorough in her explanation, never talking down to me.  And she even sang "Everything is Awesome" for Jackson and talked Legos.  Big fan! 

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