Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy August

Not much new news from the Hoy House. 

We haven't heard back from the cardiology assistant in regards to moving up Matthew's cardiology appointment.  I haven't been pressing because with his good heart xray, I just don't feel like he is in danger.  I do feel like we need to be prudent and get his heart checked because something is going on (with the sleeping, the increased hemoglobin, the sweating, etc) but a week from today seems reasonable.  Of course, that may change in a moment and we'll do whatever we need to do. 

Besides 2 therapy appointments for Matthew this week, Jackson has an ENT appointment to talk about removing his tonsils.  I'm hopeful we can get that procedure scheduled before school starts.  I know the ENT has OR time on Fridays, maybe it will even be this Friday.

We took the older kids out of preschool for the month of August.  So, all 3 are home for the next 3 weeks.  At first, I was hoping to take them on a road adventure to visit our friends up north, but with Matthew's upcoming appointments and current issues, we are just hanging around the homestead.  And with Matthew's increased need for sleep and the very warm weather, we are having to hang out in the house more than I would like.    Hopefully we can carve out some time at the pool, the library, and have a few other adventures in our time together before school starts!

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