Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Craniosynostosis- 1 year post op!

1 year ago today Matthew had his craniosynostosis surgery.  There were rocky moments in the OR that day and there was a chance we could have lost him. Thanks to his fantastic surgeon, Dr. T, his great medical team, the blood donated by my Dad and Peter, and the sweet grace of God, we have had the great pleasure of holding and loving on our sweet baby Matthew for the last 365 days. (and more!) We couldn't be more thankful!

Today we went to see Dr. T for the 1 year check up. It has been so long since we had been down there, I had to check the route to Dr. T's office before we left.  Matthew's head has healed perfectly.  Additionally, we did talk about Matthew's propensity for grinding his teeth.  Matthew was born with a recessed chin and a small jaw, which may be causing the teeth grinding.  And the teeth grinding has caused the teeth to grow in slanted toward the back of his throat.  Dr. T indicated that they typically don't do anything about this until all of the adult teeth come in, including the molars (~16 years old).  But at Matthew's check up in 2 years, Dr. T will have the orthodontist and maxillofacial team come take a look if Matthew is still grinding his teeth.  Overall, it was a good appointment. 

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