Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back to the Hoy House

After 8 days and 8 nights at Texas Children’s, we are home!! It was the most fantastic feeling to walk out of the hospital with our sweet Matthew, go to pick up Alyssa and Jackson and come home as our family of 5!

What a difference 8 days makes. We walked into TCH scared…about what we would find, about the future, just about everything. Today we are joyful! We still do not have a diagnosis, but we have a much better understanding of the symptoms. Matthew’s uniquenesses: absent radius (no thumbs, the most visible symptom), a small arterial septal defect and a functioning bicuspid valve (heart), an ectopic fused kidney (1 functioning kidney), undescended testes, and moderate to severe hearing loss on his left side. All of these things are not limiting and are either treatable or may never become problems or need to be treated. Thanks be to God!

Whatever the diagnosis, whatever the future, we have been reminded to appreciate what we have and to be thankful for the moment that we are in. We already have a page of follow up appointments in the next weeks, months, and years. We know this is not the end of our journey but the beginning. We love our Matthew and will do everything in our power to help him grow into the man he was destined to be.

We have a huge list of thank yous. Thank you to our family and friends, for the prayers, positive thoughts, well wishes, the offers of help and support, the gifts, the food, the visits, to the staff at TCH, Dr Cox, Dr Wortham, Dr Burrows, Dr Scott, night nurse Nicole, the Ronald McDonald House, to our special angels in heaven and to God.

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