Saturday, January 15, 2011

Eating Update

I'm almost afraid to post this, as every time I've commented positively on Matthew's eating it has taken a nose dive, but I'm going to throw caution to the wind and share the good news.  Matthew is eating well these days! 

He still eats approximately 7 times a day, but it is mixed up-- bottles and baby food.  He loves baby food.   He likes sweet but not super sweet fruits and veggies the most. As well as eating baby food well, he is taking so much breastmilk/formula from a bottle that we've had to move to the larger bottles.  We are just amazed and surprised every time he finishes a big bottle!

Right now, I'd classify Matthew as a 'good eater'.  This is the first time I've ever been able to say that about him!  I hope this continues. Just thinking back at our battles with feeding and knowing his poor eating has usually indicated something bad (malrotated intestines and heart failure), Matthew's good eating is an amazing joy and gives us even more comfort that he is doing well! 

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