Thursday, January 13, 2011

Helmet Countdown Wk 1

Helmet countdown-  1 week down, 9 weeks to go. 

The helmet good news= Matthew is continuing to adjust to the helmet and is getting a longer and longer stretch of sleep at night.  That is very good news!

The helmet bad news= It stinks, bad.  My sweet baby Matthew's head stinks like a teenage boy's foot.  I've cleaned the helmet and his head as they say we should, and it still smells really bad.  I guess sweating in it for 23 hours a day puts a stink in it you just can't get rid of.  Not good!

My little fighter pilot


  1. You aren't the only one mentioning the stink...

  2. Try Febreeze - works on hockey gear. Might have some here you can borrow to try. Are you allowed to put a bandana under the helmet?

  3. We were advised we can't use anything except for rubbing alcohol to clean the helmet and it has to be directly against the skin. I'm to the point of putting a stick on air freshener on the outside of it!

  4. Erin was in hers for 6 weeks, and I remember having issues with sweating, but I don't remember the smell being really bad. I just asked my husband to confirm, and he said the same thing. We just used rubbing alcohol on her head and the helmet, but from the picture, I think hers was a lot more open at the top, so maybe more ventilation helped.
