Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Week

This past week was a good week.  For the first time in 5 months, we didn't have any appointments. No doctors visits. No therapy appointments.  No specialists to see.  All 3 kids were in their regular routine all week long.  It was great!

And on Wednesday, Matthew decided to add a new trick to his repertoire.  He's putting pressure on his legs for a measurable amount of time, not just letting them buckle after a second or two.  He's enjoying standing while being supported.  He's been spending a lot of time in his exersaucer, standing.  Forward progress.  Very exciting!

And on Friday, I registered Alyssa for Kindergarten.  I had always heard there are 2 types of moms...the 'celebrator' (those that celebrate moving from stage to stage) and the 'mourner' (those that mourn the loss of the previous stage).  I always envisioned myself as a celebrator, but as Alyssa's next stage has come close I began to wonder if I would mourn the loss of this baby/toddler/preschool stage.  As I registered her, I was giddy. I guess I'm a celebrator, as I'm so excited for her next stage.  She is going to LOVE the 'big school' and I can't wait for it too!  

And this weekend has been great.  Friday night was fish fry at church.  The kids always love the grilled cheese and fried fish and enjoy running around outside of church.  It was made even better because we took a family friend, and Jackson adores her. Saturday was a few hours at a local festival.  It was way too warm to be the end of March (85 degrees), and we all got too much sun, but we had fun and did get to eat some crawfish and hot dogs.  There Jackson learned that port-o-potties are 'gross' and Alyssa declared that she was a 'great snow-cone eater'. 

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