Thursday, February 3, 2011

Keeping On

After the rough night, I decided it would be prudent to at least go see the pediatrician again.  Matthew hadn't thrown up this morning and by the time we saw the doctor, Mattie was his old self, just smiling away at the doctor.  The pediatrician doesn't think it is an adhesion or anything sinister like that, and thinks that this stomach virus just needs to run its course.  And though he's lost a half pound this week, Matthew is not dehydrated.  We should keep on keeping on.

So, Mattie was fine in the doctor's office and then proceeded to come home and throw up 6 times within the hour.  6 times!  Then he took a quick nap and woke up happy as can be.  I just don't get it.  I guess we'll keep him on the meds and pump him full of pedialyte again.  It's never simple with Matthew.  Poor sweet baby!

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