Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sleep Update

Matthew slept through the night 1 night, then awoke many times 1 night, then slept through the night 2 nights and then awoke a few times 1 night.  I'm encouraged because he's waking up less and last night's wakings didn't require intervention.  He soothed himself.  Very good news!  We've been diligently putting him down for naps, which vary incredibly-- 4 hours one day and 45 minutes the next.  I'm really hopeful that Matthew will figure out this sleep thing and we can get into a good groove! 

As one of our therapists mentioned yesterday, a well-rested baby has more energy to play and Matthew needs all the playtime he can get!  It just makes him stronger and helps him acquire more skills.  Last night he rolled all around the living room and he landed against one of our end tables.  Who knew an end table could be so much fun?

In health news, Darren seems to be on the mend, but Matthew still sounds as though he's having some after effects from his cold.  He sounds hoarse, which makes his cry even more pathetic than typical. Since it's been almost a week, we feel it is prudent to go see the pediatrician to make sure it is nothing of concern.  It has been 2 weeks since we've seen our ped, and I was so hoping we'd make it until next Monday to see him at Matthew's 1 year checkup.  I keep telling Mattie that I promise I'll take him to see Dr. W every 2 weeks just to say "hi".  I know they are buddies and he doesn't need to keep getting sick just so he can see him! 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun video....he rolls over like a champ!! So adorable!! Hope D feels better soon too!
