Sunday, October 10, 2010

PDA Recovery Update- 1p 10/10

We are heading home. Although Matthew's heart rate is low and classified as 'irregular', it has a typical pattern and there isn't anything they would do here that we can't do at home.  We had a scheduled appt for tomorrow (the same appt we made over a month ago before we knew about the PDA) and there they will do a follow up ECHO.  Matthew's new 'normal' heart rate may be low or this might be a temporary thing.  We'll have to wait and see.  The doctors do not believe he's in any danger and we're best at home. Yippee!!  Now, we've got to be released before the Texan's game lets out.  Don't want to fight the game day traffic! 

A huge thank you to everyone who has followed Matthew's journey, has come by, called, sent us notes, and thought and prayed for Matthew!  We are so thankful...a million times over! 

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