Saturday, October 9, 2010

PDA Recovery Update- 7p 10/9

Good news... We are out of the ICU and on the cardiac recovery floor.  No swelling of his brain!  We've noticed a marked improvement in Matthew today.  He's typically comforted best by being held and the last 2 days he wasn't having any of it, but today he was again comforted by being held.  (Makes him and us feel good!)  The last 2 days he's been moaning/crying/fussing when awake and now he seems more like himself...he even smiled and laughed a little today!  And his blood pressure was normal the last time it was taken.  All goodness!

We have lots to celebrate, but aren't all the way there yet. Matthew's heart rate is still very low and his pulse oxygen levels are erratic.  Speaking to the cardiologist when we got on the floor, we have to figure out why he's got such a low heart rate before we can go home. Her estimation is it wouldn't be until at least Monday.  Hopefully its just taking Mattie's heart a little time to get acclimated to its new flow and nothing more.  We continue to wait and pray.  

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