Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Following Tradition

Following a long standing Hoy kid tradition, Matthew took a tumble off our bed yesterday.  But in Matthew style, he did it up right.  There was only about a foot of the bed he could maneuver around, and he found that spot and dived in under a minute.  He bloodied his nose and cried for a while.  Since Alyssa and Jackson have performed this trick before, we figured all was well.  Just a little blood and swelling.  Then his nose bled some more in the afternoon. And then some more this morning.  Hmmm...that doesn't seem okay.  So, I called the pediatrician who told me to go to the ER. 

So at 8:30a, Matthew and I ventured over to the new Texas Children's- West Campus ER.  The whole way I was hoping I was just being a paranoid mom, that they would say that his nose was just bruised.  I parked in the very front row.  We were the only ones in the waiting room at 9am.  I thought 'Great! We'll be out of here in no time.'  After going through triage and over to an exam room in record time, we waited. And waited. And waited.  We were finally seen by a doctor at 11:30.  I had started to wonder if they forgot that we were there.

Doctor saw Matthew and said "hmmm...nose looks broken."  The CT scan confirmed-- broken and dislocated nose.  Matthew does everything big!  After 6 hours in the ER, we didn't get anything but a diagnosis.  We see the ENT tomorrow for next steps.  If it needs to be surgically repaired, it will likely be on Friday.  Hopefully this will be a quick and easy fix for our sweet baby Matthew! 


  1. My daughter Annie (12) was recently diagnosed with a 4q duplication(13.1,28.2) I would love to find a way to get in touch with you.I have joined as a follower of your blog. Kaye Gutwein

  2. Hi Kaye- I'd love to correspond! Our email is Thank you!
