Monday, April 18, 2011

No Change Afternoon

Matthew's condition has remained largely unchanged today.  He responds well to the breathing treatment, which lasts about 2 hours and then he labors to breathe until the next treatment.  In the 2 hours post treatment, he'll even smile a quick smile, play with his toys, or enjoy a game of peek-a-boo. 

Though Mattie is working hard to breathe, he's compensating for it and holding his oxygen saturation levels high.  He does better when he is sleeping. He does worse when he is eating or fussing.  He has particularly hard time when he coughs.  The difficulty coughing has caused him to throw up a few times.  Not fun. 

The doctors seem a bit stumped.  They are starting to think that he has croup, that coincidentally came on 2 hours after surgery.  (Call me doubtful, but either way I don't care as long as he gets better!) As our doctor left this evening he said "Lets hope for the best tonight and I'll see you tomorrow."  Not encouraging. 

Yesterday I hoped we'd be home today.  Today I hope we'll be home by the end of the week, though I'd be thrilled if Matthew dramatically improved tonight.  I'm looking forward to being home, but much more, I'm looking forward to Matthew being fully recovered.  Thank you for the continued prayers and well-wishes for our sweet baby Matthew!

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