Sunday, April 21, 2013

Post Surgery Day 8

Though Matthew is a long way from being his normal self, we have glimmers of our social, smiling, sweet Matthew. Yesterday, Matthew had about 15 minutes of smiling and being his usual self. Today, he's had about 30 minutes total in 3 stretches. It is so uplifting to see him smile, to see that twinkle in his eyes! It always warms my heart but after not seeing it for 10 days, and being unsure of when we would again, my heart sings when he smiles! Today, he has enjoyed talking on the phone and FaceTime-ing the most. Too cute!

His NG tube was taken off suction today to see if he could tolerate it. So far, so good. If he throws up or his belly gets distended, he'll have to go back on it. If he handles it well for 24 hours, he might get the NG tube removed and attempt to drink liquids. Oh, he is going to be so excited to do so! We pray for only positive progression from here on out.

Again, thank you to all for the care and concern for Matthew and for us! It means more to us than we could ever convey!

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