Thursday, September 9, 2010

And We Wait

Patience isn’t exactly my strongest virtue.  We know something is going on with Matthew…and I want to know what it is NOW.  My imagination continually conjures up the worst and I have to remind myself constantly to calm down, now is not the time to freak out, we don’t know anything!  Plus Matthew is mostly still his sweet self, smiling and ‘talking’, so he can’t be too sick, right? 
Unfortunately , as with everything, the answer isn’t an easy one.  We haven’t been cleared by the charge nurse to have sedation for the abdominal CT yet, so hopefully we can get that tomorrow.  We won’t know the results from the viral cultures until Monday. We have a cardiologist appointment on Monday.  So…now we need to be patient and wait.   If we still don’t know any answers on Monday, it will be time to be more aggressive if his symptoms haven’t subsided. 
The beauty of having 3 kids is there isn’t much time to sit and worry.  Matthew needs to be coaxed into eating, Jackson needs to have someone celebrate his potty victories with him, and Alyssa needs someone to help her with her homework.  Although Matthew care and worry is intense at times, it cannot be all encompassing…too many other little beings in our house need care too.  That is a very good thing right now.  

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